

Reference SOE2/P1/E0677
Title Mapping, consolidation and dissemination of the Key Enabling Technologies for the construction sector in the SUDOE area
Main Area  
Funding Framework Comissão Europeia
Funding (€) 2.098.069,51
Starting date  2018-04-01 to 2021-03-31 (36 months)
Principal Contractor Interreg Sudoe Transnational Cooperation Program
Participating Institutions

FCT - NOVA (DEC/FCT/UNL) and others

Web site


Project Overview:

The construction sector accounts for 10% of UE's PIB and generates 20 million jobs. In addition, buildings account for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in Europe.

Application of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) to the construction industry can design and build more efficient and competitive "Innovative Buildings" (IB), with new and improved resources, designed on the basis of people's quality of life and respect for the environment. However, the building construction industry is still based on conventional methodologies and technologies.

The SUDOKET project will enhance research and development capabilities in KETs for IB, universities and R&D centers and promote the creation of connections and synergies between builders, manufacturers, designers and technologists, to help improve quality and competitiveness of IB in Europe.

SUDOKET will contribute to Europe's growth and technological leadership in the IB sector through a transnational and cutting-edge approach to technology promotion and the interaction among value chain actors.


Project objectives:

The main objective of the SUDOKET project is to promote Europe's growth and technological leadership in the field of "Innovative Buildings" (IB), enhancing research, innovation and development capabilities based on KeyEnabling Technologies (KETs), in technology centers and innovation and industry. In addition to this, the project has specific objectives:

  • Provide an online catalog detailing the application of KETs in the IB sector and analyze current challenges and trends in this area;
  • To have an online interaction environment, where the main actors of R&D and the KET industry for IB are identified and interrelated;
  • Increase the technological knowledge about the use of KETs in IB and spread the current state of the technique among the actors involved