

Reference RFCS-2015-709892
Title Overall-Slenderness Based Direct Design for Strength and Stability of Innovative Hollow Sections
Main Area  
Funding Framework European Union, Directorate-General for Research & Innovation, Industrial Technologies, Coal and steel
Funding (€) 944 k€
Starting date 2017-2019 (36 Months)
Principal Contractor University of the Bundeswehr Munich (Germany)
Participating Institutions CERIS (IST/UTL) + FCT-NOVA (DEC/FCT/UNL); Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine (UK); Convention Européenne de la Construction Métallique (Belgium), Centre Technique Industriel de la Construction Métallique (France), Université Laval (Canada) and Conducciones Y Derivados S.L.U. (Spain)
Web site https://www.steelconstruct.com/eu-projects/hollosstab/

Major Outputs 

The aim of the project is the development of new, direct design rules regarding strength and stability checks based on the “Overall Interaction Concept”. Addressing both usual steel grades as well as tomorrow’s high strength steels, this project allows for more economic, innovative, “thin-walled” hollow section members. Simpler and faster design procedures were developed, and both numerical tools and the latest statistical production data were made available to structural engineers.

These goals were tackled by means of extensive numerical, analytical and experimental programs, with the close collaboration of key European hollow section manufactures from different EU countries.